Lets just say every fucking thing that could go wrong on my return trip to California did.
They couldn't print me a receipt for my rental car (they are supposedly mailing it to me),
My plane was delayed by an hour leaving Seattle,
I had to sit next to an approximately 7 year old boy that made farting noises the whole flight,
and to top it off, while I was waiting for my luggage, a stranger whispered in my ear that I had toilet paper sticking out of the back of my pants!
Welcome Home!
But here is the thing that made up for everything; When I got off the plane and was on the way to get my luggage, I heard an announcement over the intercom:
"Paging Mr. Ben Dover, paging Mr. Ben Dover, Mr. Ben Dover please pick up the white courtesy phone."
Oh, and I was back in love with the world again!