Dave Matthews Band
SBC Park
August 13th 2005
The openers for this concert were Jem and The Black Eyed Peas. Unfortunately we hit really bad traffic on the bridge getting there so missed Jem as well as half of BEP. The Black Eyed Peas is a powerhouse group with more energy than four humans should have. They jumped, danced, sang and rapped there way through a booty shaking set of pure energy. I do have to say that Fergie has got an amazing set of pipes. I also like that they are so culturally diverse (one black guy, one Mexican guy, one Filipino guy and one white girl). They were a lot of fun and seriously got us in the concert mood.
Ok, so, I admit it, I have not yet bought the new Dave Matthews Band CD nor have I been listening to a lot of DMB recently. But, thankfully going to a DMB concert is like being welcomed back into the loving arms of old friends. I didn’t feel like I had been away from their music at all. It is seeing 5 old friends that love their music, each other and their fans, and their fans love them right back. Listening to DMB live is like listening to a series of perfectly crafted, brilliant gems of music seamlessly strung together until they become a beautiful stream of consciousness that washes over you like a rippling river over the rocks and each and every song is written just for you. That, my friends, is the live Dave Matthews Band experience. Tonight was no exception.
Or, it could have been the contact high I got from all the people smoking pot around us.
Naaaahhh…their music really is that good.
Want to see more photos from this concert? Click here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/50208355@N00/sets/759020/
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