Friday and Saturday
We returned to the old part of town on Friday to do more shopping, this time I remembered my camera. We walked up Victoria street and returned to Greyfriars Kirk, this time in the day light. We walked around and looked all the graves and found Voldemort's grave :) as well as the inspiration for Hogwarts school, well not in the graveyard but next to it, we saw a guy going a photo shoot, which just annoyed us since we was taking pictures in from of on of the most impressive graves so we couldn't get close to it. After this we just shopped and returned home to relax, which we had gotten very good at by this point.
Saturday we went back into town to go on an underground tour. The tour was called "The Real Mary King's Close" and consisted of three closes, or streets, that had been blocked off when the building on top of them were built. It was an interesting look into the lives of people in the 17th and 18th century in Edinburgh, even with some of cheesy effects and props that were used. There is one room the contains a room were a young girl is often seen. In the past she has been seen crying and asks people for a doll she has lost. So, now people bring in dolls and toys and leave them for her. Now people who see her say she looks happy when they see her. The company that runs the tours now collects the newer dolls and any money that is left and donates it to a local children hospital. We went home after the tour and repacked and spent our last night talking and watching TV.
The trip home was way too long and I got a little worried when the captain of the plane from London to San Francisco told us his name was captain Vader. Yikes! When I arrived in San Francisco I got a door-to-door van to take me home. He got lost in El Cerrito dropping some people off so it took an hour and half to finally get home. I was exhausted but managed to stay up until almost nine before finally falling into bed.
I loved Scotland and would love to return and see more of the country, maybe I wont get sick next time.
If you want to see the rest of my pictures go here:
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